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Kapsch TrafficCom
  • Unternehmensgröße


  • Branche

    Internet, IT, Telekom

  • Standorte

    1120 Wien

  • Gründungsjahr


Über uns

The world of Kapsch. At Kapsch TrafficCom, we are working on making a sustainable future for traffic a reality. We are developing innovative solutions for transport and traffic in the areas of smart urban mobility, connected vehicles, tolling, traffic management and traffic safety. Through our forward-thinking solutions, we have a clear goal: Getting from A to B in a comfortable, safe, efficient and…

Values play an essential role in the Kapsch Group. They serve as the basis for our daily cooperation and are lived by everyone worldwide.

Unsere Benefits

  • Essen & Trinken
  • Gesundheit & Fitness
  • Arbeitsplatz & Infrastruktur
  • Work-Life-Balance
  • Vergünstigungen & Zuwendungen

Essen & Trinken

  • Essenszulage

    There are several places to get supported lunch - there should be something for every taste.

Gesundheit & Fitness

  • Gesundheitsmaßnahmen

    In addition to a company doctor and benefits offered, various sports facilities are also available at a discount - whether indoor or outdoor.
  • Betriebsärzt*in

    Company doctors are available daily for medical assistance, preventive health care, vaccinations, consultation on medical issues and much more....
  • Psychische Gesundheit

    All employees have access to a Resilience & Care Counselor to provide support and guidance when challenges arise in personal or professional life.

Arbeitsplatz & Infrastruktur

  • Firmennotebook

    Our world is mobile - so mobile devices such as notebooks and cell phones are available to almost all employees.
  • Barrierefreiheit

    Our offices are barrier-free accessible and allow each individual an easy way to their workplace, equipped with the appropriate office infrastructure.
  • Gute Anbindung

    Kapsch is only a few minutes walk from the Meidling Schnellbahn Station and also easily accessible by numerous means of public transportation.
  • Aus- und Weiterbildung

    We support you on your career path and enable you to consolidate and advance your know-how in workshops, seminars and via e-learning.


  • Bildungskarenz/Auszeit

    To build up or expand your knowledge we offer the opportunity to take a time off or arrange educational leave over a period of several months.
  • Flexible Arbeitszeiten

    We support different working time models or flexible working to reconcile working and living time.
  • Home Office

    Flexible scheduling and modern equipment make it possible for our employees to work from home on a daily basis.

Vergünstigungen & Zuwendungen

  • Personalvergünstigungen

    Benefit from special conditions at financial services and insurances, supermarkets, perfumeries, clothing stores and many more.

Was wir bieten

We are around 4.000 colleagues worldwide who work with passion, freedom and perspective - both in developing our sustainable solutions and in shaping our career paths. We are all an important part of the company and are supported from the very beginning, allowing career progress based on our individual skills and goals. This makes Kapsch an excellent employer, a global corporation, a family business,…
We are around 4.000 colleagues worldwide who work with passion, freedom and perspective - both in developing our sustainable solutions and in shaping our career paths. We are all an important part of the company and are supported from the very beginning, allowing career progress based on our individual skills and goals. This makes Kapsch an excellent employer, a global corporation, a family business, a traditional company and an innovator all at the same time.


  • Listen to your inner voice and believe in yourself!
    Arezoo Edrisian
    Executive Expert Operational Excellence
  • I found my dream job through an internship at Kapsch!
    Tanja Englert
    Head of Digital Finance
  • Join a company where you can contribute to a more sustainable society.
    Anna Alexandra Ress
    Trainee 2021-2023
  • From day one, you're in the thick of things instead of just being there!
    Simon Erhard
    Trainee 2020
  • A space where your passion gets promoted!
    Martin Stejskal
    Director Global Product Development Roadside
  • Kapsch Graduate Trainee Program kick-starts your exciting carieer in a global technology company!
    Stefanie Gritzmann
    Trainee 2019 - 2021, Environmental Sustainability Manager

Unsere Werte


We understand family to be pulling all on the same rope, strengthening our bonds and supporting one another.


We understand responsibility as acting in the interests of the company and its employees, bearing the consequences and taking initiative.


We understand freedom as using and designing a defined scope of action and developing this through personal engagement.


We understand transparency as being open in dealing with information, as well as the traceability of our decisions and actions in daily communication.


We understand respect as the basis of our cooperation, mutual recognition of our achievements and the opinion of others.


We understand performance as the result of the dedication and the success of each individual employee who contributes to achieving our common goals.

Weitere Werte anzeigen

7 aktuelle offene Jobs

Gesuchte Mitarbeiter*innen/Jahr


Gesuchte Positionen und Kenntnisse

Software Engineer, System Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Product Owner, Solution Architect

vor 1 Tag veröffentlicht

ab 65.000 € jährlich

vor 1 Tag veröffentlicht

ab 1.187,88 € monatlich

vor 2 Tagen veröffentlicht

ab 1.187 € monatlich

vor 5 Tagen veröffentlicht

ab 60.000 € jährlich

vor 7 Tagen veröffentlicht

ab 50.000 € jährlich

vor 7 Tagen veröffentlicht

ab 60.000 € jährlich

vor 7 Tagen veröffentlicht

ab 70.000 € jährlich


Du hast Fragen?
Wir helfen dir gerne weiter!

  • Tatiana Rezan-Sirotinskis

    Tatiana Rezan-Sirotinskis

    Talent Acquisition Austria Kapsch Group

    Make your profession your calling.

  • Weitere Ansprechpersonen anzeigen

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Hier findest du uns

Kapsch TrafficCom Standorte

Kapsch TrafficCom

Am Europlatz 2

1120 Wien

Route berechnen +43 50 811 0