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Greentube GmbH
  • Unternehmensgröße

    501 - 2500

  • Branche

    Internet, IT, Telekom

  • Standorte

    1050 Wien

  • Gründungsjahr


Über uns

International, diverse and cutting-edge, these are just some of the words that could be used to describe Greentube, the leading full-service provider in the online and mobile gaming sector and a pioneer in the development and provision of state-of-the-art gaming solutions. With its headquarters in the heart of Vienna, Greentube has employees from over 50 different countries and offices in major cities…

Unsere Benefits

  • Essen & Trinken
  • Gesundheit & Fitness
  • Arbeitsplatz & Infrastruktur
  • Work-Life-Balance
  • Vergünstigungen & Zuwendungen

Essen & Trinken

  • Kantine

    Enjoy delicious, fresh food at our subsidized on-site canteen and get a 3 EUR discount on the daily dishes.
  • Obst

    Free coffee, tea and fruits can be found in the kitchens on every floor for a quick energy boost

Gesundheit & Fitness

  • Gesundheitsmaßnahmen

    We offer a comprehensive healthcare package, ranging from medical check ups to sport activities as well as healthy food.

Arbeitsplatz & Infrastruktur

  • Barrierefreiheit

    A barrier-free office is essential to us. Our expert facility management team is on call to take care of any necessary conversion work.
  • Mentoringprogramm

    Our Greentube-Newbies can not only expect a welcoming atmosphere, but also guidance and support from our dedicated buddies.
  • Aus- und Weiterbildung

    We have a dedicated training budget to ensure those eager to learn more have the possibility to do so.


  • Team-Events

    We offer two big events (Christmas party and Company Day) and smaller events on a regular basis (bowling, karaoke, barbecues, pub quizzes).
  • Bildungskarenz/Auszeit

    We support paternity leave and, if feasible, educational leave.
  • Flexible Arbeitszeiten

    Our flexitime system allows you to strike a healthy balance between work and free time.
  • Home Office

    Greentube employees have the opportunity to work from home.

Vergünstigungen & Zuwendungen

  • Personalvergünstigungen

    Greentube employees have access to an extensive range of products and services which can be purchased at very favourable conditions.
  • Verkehrsmittelzuschuss

    We offer a subsidy to the costs of the annual public transport ticket.

Was wir bieten

Greentube strives to offer you every chance to fulfil your potential at the company, and also provides you with the opportunity to improve in every facet of your working life. Whether you’re looking to continue your lifelong learning by gaining further training in a particular field or want to further your career by taking on more responsibility and leadership, we will try our best to give you the…
Greentube strives to offer you every chance to fulfil your potential at the company, and also provides you with the opportunity to improve in every facet of your working life. Whether you’re looking to continue your lifelong learning by gaining further training in a particular field or want to further your career by taking on more responsibility and leadership, we will try our best to give you the right platform to do so.


  • It's a cool, innovative & multicultural company that makes you feel welcome from the very beginning!
    Agnes K.
    Customer Support Agent
  • Greentube is fun, quirky and diverse!
    Grace K.
    Marketing and PR Manager

Unsere Werte

Diversity - Come as you are

We are a diverse organization that embraces multiformity and understands its benefits. We are an organization that believes in a culture of inclusion. We strive to attract and develop diverse talents always offer everything we can to support them.

Team Spirit - Our great team beats as one, join us

Greentube is characterized by a winning team spirit. We are proud of our friendly and relaxed work environment, where everyone treats each other with the kindness and respect they deserve, and where a sense of humor is valued.

Development - Feed your curiosity

We have a Learning and Development team dedicated to offering people the resources and opportunities to improve: individual training budgets, in-house language courses, online platforms and much more.

Work-Life Balance – All of our passions in harmony

Greentube is a fun & family-oriented company. Providing the necessary personal and relaxation time to thrive at your job is one of our first concerns.

Social Benefits - We care about your well-being

We offer a great package of social and financial benefits to empower our employees to do the best job possible. We are passionate about caring for each other in our company, keeping everyone safe and well.

Cutting-Edge Technology - Get challenged every day

Greentube is a place where innovation and forward-thinking thrive. Where the solutions to tomorrow’s problems are found today.

Weitere Werte anzeigen

10 aktuelle offene Jobs

Gesuchte Mitarbeiter*innen/Jahr

31 - 50

Gesuchte Positionen und Kenntnisse

Development (Back- & Frontend), (Online-) Marketing, Graphics & Copywriting, Finance & Administration, Infrastructure

vor 2 Tagen veröffentlicht

50.000 € – 53.000 € jährlich

vor 3 Tagen veröffentlicht

29.000 € – 32.000 € jährlich

vor 3 Tagen veröffentlicht

63.000 € – 68.000 € jährlich

vor 4 Tagen veröffentlicht

58.000 € – 60.000 € jährlich

vor 4 Tagen veröffentlicht

58.000 € – 61.000 € jährlich

vor 4 Tagen veröffentlicht

30.000 € – 32.000 € jährlich

vor 5 Tagen veröffentlicht

63.000 € – 68.000 € jährlich

vor 7 Tagen veröffentlicht

ab 90.000 € jährlich


47.500 € – 51.000 € jährlich


60.000 € – 62.000 € jährlich


Du hast Fragen?
Wir helfen dir gerne weiter!

  • Elisabeth Blaha

    Elisabeth Blaha

    Team Leader Talent Acquisition

  • Weitere Ansprechpersonen anzeigen

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Greentube GmbH Standorte

Greentube GmbH

Wiedner Hauptstraße 94

1050 Wien

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