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MP Corporate Finance GmbH

Wien · Recht, Steuern, Wirtschaft

Über MP Corporate Finance GmbH

MP Corporate Finance maximises your shareholder value. Our teams of specialised dealmakers and ambitious M&A challengers are ready to take on your challenge – and exceed your expectations, every day. We are proud to be the undisputed market leader in industrial M&A in the European market. We have 600+ industrial M&A projects under our belt, and our 90% deal closing rate shows our success. From our…
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter*innen
51 - 100
Anzahl gesuchter Mitarbeiter*innen/Jahr
6 - 10
Recht, Steuern, Wirtschaft

Unsere beliebtesten Benefits

  • Fitnessangebote
  • Gute Anbindung
  • Home Office

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