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Journi GmbH

Wien · Internet, IT, Telekom

Über Journi GmbH

Our mission is to make personal experiences unforgettable. We think that the creation of print products such as photo books should be just as easy as taking the photos. This is all possible with the Journi Blog and Journi Print apps. Instead of losing photos in the depths of your camera roll, you can bring memories to life again by blogging and/or printing them. And this without spending hours on design!…
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter*innen
11 - 30
Anzahl gesuchter Mitarbeiter*innen/Jahr
6 - 10
Internet, IT, Telekom

Unsere beliebtesten Benefits

  • Essenszulage

    Sodexo lunch vouchers for each work day!

  • Firmennotebook

    All team members are fully-equipped with a Mac laptop or iMac and a full work station

  • Verkehrsmittelzuschuss

    Wiener Linien Jahreskarte

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